BaÅŸkent University ZÃbeyde Hanım Research Hospital, (Pediatric allergy specialist)
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No: 24, D: 2 Karabağlar /
Research Interests:
- Childhood asthma
- Pulmonary function test
- Allergy Skin Test
- Atopy Patch Test
- Drug and Nutrient Loading Tests
- Vaccine treatment
- Tuncel T, Sancakli O, Ozdogru E. ;Successful administration of measles-rubella-mumps vaccine by graded challenge in a case with anaphylaxis after prior vaccination. Archivos Argentinos de Pediatrica, ; :-. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Sancaklı O, Yenigun A, Gultekin Korkmazgil B, Tuncel T. ;Comparison of diagnostic tests for suspected cow's milk allergy in children with atopic dermatitis.. Minerva Pediatr. [Epub ahead of print], 2016; :-. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Sancakli O, Tuncel T, Ozdogru E, Baran M. ;Proctokolitis in a child treated with oral immunotherapy for, cow?s milk allergy. Journal of Advances in Allergy Immunologic Diseases, 2016; 1(1):1-2.
- Sancakli O, Tuncel T, Oniz H, Atabey B, Ozdogru E, Turker M. ;Successful desensitization in a pediatric patient with delayed-onset hypersensitivity reaction against temozolomide. Pedıatrıc Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology, 2015; 28(1):72-73. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Yenigün A, Sancak Ö, Ertabaklar H. A rare cause of treatment resistant atopic dermatitis: Demodex folliculorum. Asthma Allergy Immunology Review, 2012; 3: 153-157.
- Sancaklı Ö, Yenigün A, Kırdar S., Polymerase chain reaction results in nasopharyngeal specimens in lower respiratory tract infection. J Pediatr Inf, 2012; 6: 84-89. (index copernicus)
- Darendeliler F, Poyrazoglu S, Sancakli O, Bas F, Gokcay G, Aki S, Eskiyurt N. ;Adiponectin is an indicator of insulin resistance in non-obese prepubertal children born large for gestational age (LGA) and is affected by birth weight. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf), 2009; 70(5):710-716. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Darendeliler F, Poyrazoglu S, Bas F, Sancakli O, Gokcay G. ;Ghrelin levels are decreased in non-obese prepubertal children bom large for gestational age. Eur J Endocrinol, 2009; 160(6):951-956. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Sancakli O, Darendeliler F, Bas F, Gokcay G, Disci R, Aki S, Eskiyurt N. ;Insulin, adiponectin, IGFBP-I levels and body composition in small for gestational age born non-obese children during prepubertal ages. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf), 2008; 69(1):88-92. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil).
- Darendeliler F, Bas F, Bundak R, Coban A, Disci R, Sancakli O, Gokcay G, Ince Z, Can G. ;Elevated ghrelin levels in preterm born children during prepubertal ages and relationship with catch-up growth. Eur J Endocrinol, 2008; 159(5):555-560. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil).