Marc Husmann
Raemistrasse 100,
CH-8091 Zurich,
Research Interests:
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Internal Medicine (General Medicine) and Cardiology.
- The Swiss cohort of elderly patients with venous thromboembolism (SWITCO65+): Rationale and methodology.
- Lymphoedema, lymphatic micro-angiopathy and increased lymphatic and interstitial pressure in a patient with Parkinson's disease.
- Postural Effects on Interstitial Fluid Pressure in Humans.
- Comparative Performance of Clinical Risk Assessment Models for Hospital-Acquired Venous Thromboembolism in Medical Patients.
- Anticoagulation Management Practices and Outcomes in Elderly Patients with Acute Venous Thromboembolism: A Clinical Research Study.
- Association between thyroid dysfunction and venous thromboembolism in the elderly: A prospective cohort study.
- Markers of arterial stiffness in peripheral arterial disease.
- Predictors of thromboprophylaxis in hospitalised medical patients: Explicit ASsessment of Thromboembolic RIsk and Prophylaxis for Medical PATients in SwitzErland (ESTIMATE).
- Carotid artery disease after head and neck radiotherapy.
- Multicentre validation of the Geneva Risk Score for hospitalised medical patients at risk of venous thromboembolism. Explicit ASsessment of Thromboembolic RIsk and Prophylaxis for Medical PATients in SwitzErland (ESTIMATE).