Sadia Batool
Preston University 85 street 3 H-8/1 Islamabad Pakistan
Research Interests:
Educational Psychology Special Education Educational Technology
- Dr Sadia Batool has been working as an Assistant Professor, Preston University, Islamabad, Pakistan sine 2012.
- She has done PhD with specialization in Educational Psychology.
- She has supervised a number of M.Phil and PhD theses related to Educational Psychology.
- She has authored many research articles for International and National Journals.
- Effect of Cooperative Learning on Achievement of Students in General Science at Secondary Level.
- An analysis of the relationship between inflation and gold prices: evidence from Pakistan.
- Gender Differences in Performance Attributions of Mainstream and Religious School Students.
- Emotionalized learning experiences: Tapping into the affective domain.
- Chaotic home conditions and children's adjustment: study of gender differences.
- A Study of Attribution Patterns among High and Low Attribution Groups: An Application of Weiner’s Attribution Theory.
- Professional role of teachers in government colleges and higher secondary schools for f. Sc programme in punjab: a comparative Study.
- Causal Attribution Patterns of Mainstream School Students and their Effect on Achievement.
- Determinants of Food Inflation in Pakistan & Effects of Seasonal Adjustment on Forecasting Food Inflation.
- Pattern of addiction and its relapse among habitual drug abusers in Lahore, Pakistan Diagram of addiction and relapse among habitual drug addicts in Laho.