Seong-Su Han
500 Newton Rd, 3080ML
Iowa City, IA 52245
United States
Research Interests:
- Signal transduction / Chemoprevention reesrach with blood cancer, especially leukemia and lymphoma.
- Most of my work has focused on molecular and cellular ocology research to elucidate the signal transduction pathways involved in the tumorigenesis mechanisms and to validate the action of various kinds of natural phytochemicals or synthetic chemicals using gene-targeted mouse model for novel target discovery and validation leading to therapeutic application.
- Transgenic mouse model of human IgM+ lymphoproliferative disease mimicking Waldenström macroglobulinemia
- SUMOylation-disrupting WAS Mutation Converts WASp from a Transcriptional Activator to a Repressor of NF-κB Response Genes in T cells
- CDKN1A and FANCD2 are potential oncotargets in Burkitt lymphoma and multiple myeloma
- Piperlongumine inhibits the proliferation and survival of B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell lines irrespective of glucocorticoid resistance
- Disruption of hSWI/SNF Complexes by WAS Mutations Distinguishes X-linked Thrombocytopenia from Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
- IKKβ links vascular inflammation to obesity and atherosclerosis
- Identification of candidate B-lymphoma genes by cross-species gene expression profiling
- Piperlongumine Inhibits Proliferation and Survival of LMP1/MYC-induced Mouse B-Lymphoma Cells
- Piperlongumine inhibits proliferation and survival of of Burkitt lymphoma in vitro
- Myeloid-specific IKKβ deficiency decreases atherosclerosis in low density lipoprotein receptor-deficient mice