Related Article For "Cytopathology"
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ISSN: 2576-6694
Dr. Rabiul Ahasan, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.
Publication Type: Open Access Journal
Description: Journal of Biotechnology and Biomedical Science promotes the publication of inventive and advanced research work in the field of biotechnology and biomedical science. It aims to maintain a media for the researchers to submit and exchange the knowledge gained worldwide.
ISSN: 2689-5773
Wael M. EL-Deeb, Professor of Veterinary Medicine and Clinical Diagnosis.
Publication Type: Open Access Journal
Description: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology is a leading international journal with up-to-date information on all aspects of Clinical and diagnostic pathology.
ISSN: Coming Soon
Adem Kocaman, University of Ondokuz Mayıs, Ph.D.
Publication Type: Open Access Journal
Description: Journal of Advanced Cytology encourages the publication of inventive and advanced research work which focus on the aspects of cytology to increase knowledge and understanding of etiology diagnosis and management of human disease.