Kamran Mahmood Ahmed Aziz
Aseer Diabetes Center of Aseer Central Hospital,
Ministry of Health, Abha,
Saudi Arabia.
Research Interests:
- His research interest and main focus involves associations between different diabetic complications, such as neuropathy, diabetic foot, dyslipidemia, nephropathy, HbA1c, insulin secretion / augmentation estimation in type-2 diabetics at clinical, pathological and molecular levels.
- His researches also focus on Diabetics with Hypothyroidism and its associated complications.
- He has done research also on oral agents such as metformin, GLP-1 / incretin based therapies (DPP-4 inhibitors), oral hypoglycemic agents, and various insulins as well. Also he has worked and published research on Ramadan fasting.
- His original research articles can be found on PubMed.
- After the publications, his diabetes center has received award and 1st prize in diabetes research from Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia in 2014.
- Kamran M.A. Aziz completed his medical graduation at Jinnah Sindh Medical University (Sind Medical College) in 1998, and post-graduation in diabetic medicine at Baqai Institute of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Baqai University Hospital in 2003 (Karachi, Pakistan).
- He is a Professional Clinical Diabetologist, Diabetes Principal Research Scientist and Diabetes Investigator, currently working in Aseer Diabetes Center of Aseer Central Hospital, Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia.
- Currently, he is also acting as Honorary Professor of Diabetes and Clinical Research.
- Dr.Kamran has a vast experience in hospital and clinical teaching in diabetic medicine and has delivered more than 600 lectures in international diabetes conferences, seminars, workshops and clinical training programs.
- He has trained more than 1000 undergraduates and postgraduates as diabetologist using his case presentations and problem based clinical learning methods.
- He has also been invited as speaker in international conferences / congress and also has been invited by multinational pharmaceutical companies to present his published research on different diabetic medications.
- Dr.Kamran has been involved extensively in clinical research since 2000 and has authored several publications in internationally reputed and peer-reviewed scientific journals.
- He is serving as editor and editorial board member / Advisor of more than reputed 30 international Journals.
- He is also an expert Statistical Advisor, and Reviewer and advisor for various international journals like Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Preventing Chronic Diseases (PCD), Government of USA; ElSEVIER Journals (Lancet, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice,an IDF journal, Advances en DiabetologÃa, Nephrology, The American Journal of Medicine ; American Journal of Cardiology);Bentham Science Publishers (USA); Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy (New Zealand); Bio Med Central Research Journals (United Kingdom) and others diabetes and scientific research journals as well.
- He has also authored and written chapter "Functional and Healthy Foods for the prevention and Management of Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes" for the international textbook ""Introduction to Functional Food Science - textbook, 1st Ed (2013)" .