Vice Chancellor,
Nagaland University,
Kohima campus,
09436002734, 8974058559
Ramesh Gupta
Pro Vice Chancellor,
Nagaland University,
Kohima campus,
Nagaland - 797004,
Research Interests:
Organic synthesis, medicinal chemistry and Drug Development, Chemistry and Toxicology of natural substances, nutriceuticals & functional food, amino-acid in nutrition, taurine, analogues and Biological actions, soil heath., environmental Biotechnology aspects, Science popularization & education and gender issues.
Abroad -Fellowship, Awards:
- French Govt. special high level Fellowship to do research in France
- Research Associate ship, University of Arizona, Tucson USA
- Uhera Memorial Fellowship for Research in Japan
- Brain Pool Scientist Kyung Hee University , Korea
- Visiting Professorship, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
- Sugita gold award to do research at Nagoya University Japan
- Visiting faculty Department of Linkoping University Sweden
- Visiting Prof Korean Advance Inst of Sci. & technology (KAIST) Korea
- Visiting Prof University of Western Sydney Australia
- Visiting Prof University of Mons Belgium
- Visiting Prof University of Bergen Norway
Fellow, of Professional bodies:
- Indian council of Chemists
- International college of Nutrition
- Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy
- Indian Society for Agric-bio chemists.
- Indian Chemistry Society besides life member in several.