Epidemiology Department at the High Institute of Public Health,
Alex. University & Family and Community Medicine department,
Faculty of Medicine,
King Abdulaziz University.
Nahla Khamis Ibrahim
Saudi Arabia,
Research Interests:
Anxiety, Depression, psychological problems, Infectious disease and non infectious disease epidemiology, research methodology
- I'm Nahla Khamis Ibrahim, an Egyptian Professor of Epidemiology & Public Health at Epidemiology Department (High Institute of Public Health, Alexandria University) & at King Abdul- Aziz University (KAU), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
- I obtained my M.B., B.Ch (1989), MPH (1996), PhD in Epidemiology (1999) & Diploma of Health Professions Education (2010). All degrees were with honors.
- Regarding teaching activities, I'm teaching epidemiology & research methodology for postgraduate students at the High Institute of Public Health, Faculty of Pharmacy & Faculty of Nursing (Alexandria University).
- In Jeddah, I'm teaching postgraduates from different departments of Faculty of Medicine, KAU & Arab Board Medical Degree.
- I'm also involved in teaching undergraduate medical & paramedical students belonging to universities and MOH & P.
- I'm very interested in research methodology & I was selected as a peer reviewer in several International & Regional Journals.
- I'm currently a distinguished peer reviewer in WHO / EMRO (reviewing 23 manuscript and having a certificate) , Epidemic Journal (USA), Saudi Medical Journal, International Journal of General Medicine, International Journal of Women's Health, International Medical Case Reports Journal, Clinical Epidemiology Journal, Intervention in Aging Journal, HIV/AIDS –Research and Palliative Care Journal, International Journal of General Medicine, International Medical Case Reports Journal, Vaccine: Development and Therapy, Hepatic Medicine: Evidence and Research Journal, Ibnosina Journal of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Advanced Medical Education Journal, PLoS ONE Journal, Journal of Media and Communication Studies, & Journal of Public Health & Epidemiology (JPHE).
- I'm also one of Editorial board of Journal of Biophysics & Biomedical Sciences.
- I'm a coordinator of several elective modules as research methodology, field survey & Evidence Based Medicine.
- I've supervised many thesis and about 30 research proposals.
- I've taught hundreds of medical & paramedical students on conduction of sound epidemiological researches.
- I was also a supervisor of students' scientific research Club & Youth Research Development Program at KAU.
- I helped in Students' Scientific Conferences.
- I'm a member of a committee to review students' researches.
- I'm helping other staff to develop their research capacities & working for establishing research & training center in KAU. I've about 70 presentation & publications & participated in about 80 conferences & workshops.
- I'm proficient in different statistical computer package as SPSS & Epi-Info, etc.
- I'm also very interested in medical education. I've a degree on it.
- I worked in Quality assurance & Accreditation Unit in KAU.
- I'm a strategic planner, a Moderator of ML Web Discussion with health professional from Egyptian universities on innovation in medical education (Problem Based Learning, Evidence Based Medicine, and Community Based Learning).
- I've participated in development of many medical curricula and as master degree in Epidemiology & Biostatistics in collaboration with Harvard School of Public Health.
- Globally, I was selected to be a Member in Who's Who Encyclopedia in 2011.
- I've participated on Child Health & Nutrition Research Initiative Network.
- I'm a member in several International Organizations as Internal Epidemiologic Association (IEA).