Related Article For "Nicotine"
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ISSN: Coming Soon
Lingyong Li, MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Publication Type: Open Access Journal
Description: Addiction is a disorder of brain and is a resultant of either psychological or biological process or both. It can be treated with drugs, therapy and other methods. JADR welcomes the novel research and ideas currently trending in this subject. We invite manuscripts which serve this purpose well. Please go to the journal page for more information.
ISSN: 2997-1969
Mairead Bermingham, Centre for Genomic and Experimental Medicine,
Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine,
University of Edinburgh.
Publication Type: Open Access Journal
Description: International Journal of Health Statistics proposes to bring out the Statistics about some aspects of health, which helps in figuring out who is at risk for certain diseases, finding ways to control diseases and deciding which diseases should be studied.