
The jaw plays a crucial role in dentistry and oral implants. It is the bone structure that holds the teeth and provides ample support for dental procedures. The jaw is a key component of the oral cavity and it is important to ensure its health for a dental implant procedure. In dentistry, the jawbones are assessed for their quality, density, and volume before an implant procedure can be performed. A dental implant is a surgical component that interfaces with the jaw or skull bone to support a dental prosthesis such as a crown, bridge, or denture. The jawbone needs to have enough height, width, and depth for an implant to be placed properly. Many factors can lead to jawbone loss or deterioration, such as tooth loss, gum disease, injury, or aging. However, the use of dental implants can help restore the function and aesthetic appearance of a patient's teeth. Dental implant procedures involve the insertion of small screws made of titanium or zirconia into the jawbone. These screws act as artificial tooth roots and fuse with the jawbone over time. In conclusion, understanding the importance of the jawbone in dentistry and implants underscores the significance of jawbone health for successful dental implant procedures. Dental professionals need to emphasize the importance of proper oral hygiene and routine dental check-ups to ensure the maintenance of healthy jawbones.

From: Journal of Dentistry And Oral Implants

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