Yi Sui
Shenyang First People's Hospital,
Shenyang Brain Hospital,
Shenyang Brain Institute,
67 Qingquan Rd,
Dadong District,
Liaoning Province 110041,
Research Interests:
Inflammatory mechanism of pathogenesis in neurodegenerative diseases, chemokine-induced pathogenesis and chemokine-regulated neurogenesis in neurodegenerative diseases.
- I have graduated from Dalian Medical University, China with a MBBS degree.
- After 6 years of resident doctor career in China, I went to The University of Melbourne to pursue higher research degree.
- My PhD project was to investigate the inflammatory mechanism of Parkinson's Disease.
- We have revealed that meloxicam, a preferentially selective COX-2 inhibitor, attenuates dopaminergic neuronal loss in the substantial nigra pars compacts in LPS-induced rats brain, by inhibiting microglial activation.
- From my 2nd year on of my PhD, I had switched to study neurogenesis in the adult brains.
- Employing 6-OHDA lesioned mice and cholecystokinin-1 receptor ablated mice, we have shown neurogenesis is regulated by cellular feedback in the olfactory system.
- My recent research interest has been focusing on the chemokine-induced pathogenesis and chemokine-regulated neurogenesis in neurodegenerative diseases.