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Department of Health and Behavior Studies, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027

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Marks Ray


1. Osteoarthritis and Falls: Is there a Link?
2. Sleep Disturbances and Hip Fractures
3. Childhood Overweight, Social Media, and Osteoarthritis: Is there a Possible Emergent, yet Unrecognized Linkage?
4. Can Vitamin D Positively Impact COVID-19 Risk and Severity Among Older Adults: A Review of the Evidence
5. COVID-19, and Vitamin D, and Air Pollution Global Epidemics Impact on Older Adults
6. Osteoarthritis, COVID-19 Social Isolation-Impacts, and Counter Solutions
7. Can Vitamin D Mitigate Osteoarthritic Hip Joint Arthroplasty Infections Among Older Adults? A Narrative Overview of the Literature Amidst COVID-19 Lockdowns and Beyond
8. Vitamin D, Falls and Balance Capacity Impacts in Older Adults: Update
9. Successful Aging, Social Isolation, and COVID-19: Do Restrictions Help or Hinder?
10. Healthy Aging and Muscle Dysfunction: Will Melatonin Help?
11. Photobiomodulation, Depression, Anxiety, and Cognition
12. Aging and Positive Psychology
13. Fear of Falls and Frailty: Cause or Consequence or Both?
14. Osteoarthritis and Frailty: Associations, Relevance, and Counter Solutions
15. Osteoarthritis and Neuromuscular Deficits: Can a Causative Role be Discounted- Key 2017-2022 Observations
16. Osteoarthritis Depression Impacts and Possible Solutions Among Older Adults: Year 2021-2022 in Review
17. COVID-19 and Hip Osteoarthritis Disability-Linkages and Emerging Practice Implications
18. Osteoarthritis Literacy and Equity Issues: A Post COVID-19 Analysis and Update
19. Health Literacy and Osteoarthritis Self-Management