Selahaddin Batuhan Akben
Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, Bahce Vocational School, Bahce/Osmaniye
Research Interests:
Biomedical, Signal Processing, Data Mining, Optimization, Image Processing, Biomedical Data, Biomedical Signals
- Analysis of EEG signals under flash stimulation for migraine and epileptic patients.
- Classification of multi-channel EEG signals for migraine detection.
- Analysis of repetitive flash stimulation frequencies and record periods to detect migraine using artificial neural network.
- Performance comparison of RSA and elliptic curve algorithm.
- Use of K-means clustering in migraine detection by using EEG records under flash stimulation.
- Importance of the shape and orientation of the spine and pelvis for the vertebral column pathologies diagnosis with using machine learning methods.
- Early stage of chronic kidney disease by using statistical evaluation of the previous measurement results.
- Visual interpretation of biomedical time series using Parzen window-based density-amplitude domain transformation.
- Classification of hand movements related to grasp by using EMG signals | Kavrama ile Ilişki El Hareketlerinin EMG Işaretleri Kullanilarak Siniflandirilmasi.
- Density-based feature extraction to improve the classification performance in the datasets having low correlation between attributes | Öznitelikler arasi korelasyonun düşük oldugu veri kümelerinde siniflandirma başarisini artirmak için yogunluk temelli öznitelik oluşturma.