Journal of Bioinformatics And Diabetes

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Bioinformatics And Diabetes-Estimating equation techniques-Lue Ping Zhao, Ph.D.,M.S.,M.S.


Full Member, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Affiliated Full Professor, University of Washington
Director of Genetic Epidemiology and Microarray Technology Affinity Group

(206) 667-6927

(206) 667-2437

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Lue Ping Zhao, Ph.D.,M.S.,M.S.


Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N. PO Box 19024

Research Interests:

Estimating equation techniques, developing statistical methods for assessing genetic associations, gene-environment interactions including methods for haplotype-based methods, genome-wide association studies, time-varying phenotypes and sequence analysis.
