Journal of Alternative Medicine and Mind Body Practices

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Alternative Medicine and Mind Body Practices-Neural mechanisms of hypnosis and meditation-Ulrike Halsband

University Professor and Head of Neuropsychology,
Department of Psychology,
University of Freiburg  Engelbergerstrasse.

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Ulrike Halsband


Grundackerstrasse 14-16, 
University of Freiburg  Engelbergerstrasse,
D-79312 Stegen (Germany).

Research Interests:

Neural mechanisms of hypnosis and meditation, fMRI, PET, EEG,  hypnotherapy, altered states of consciousness, phobias, animal assisted therapy.


  • BSc Honours Degree (School of Biological Science, Depart­ment of Experimental Psychology, University of Sussex;
  • Doctor of Philosophy (D.Phil., University of Oxford, UK); Privatdozentin (Habilitation), (PD, Venia legendi: Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, Medical School of  Heinrich-Heine-University of Düsseldorf, Germany);
  • Professorship in Neuropsychology (Albert-Ludwigs-Univer­sity of Freiburg, Germany)