Fellow of International Agency for Standards and Ratings (IASR)
Centre of Excellence for Alzheimer's Disease Research and Care
Sarich Neuroscience Research Institute
Edith Cowan University
8 Verdun Street, Nedlands 6009.
Western Australia, Australia
Research Interests:
- His current research into links between diet, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases builds upon his past experiences and generates outputs that will have relevant and significant impact to the community.
- The incidence of diabetes has been predicted to increase to 21% by 2050.
- In various continents the rise in the global diabetes epidemic has been associated with diseases of various organ diseases related to obesity, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease).
- Novel and critical elements of scholarly peer review provides information that the heat shock gene Sirtuin 1 is repressed with relevance to diabetes, neurological diseases and Alzheimer's disease.
- Major unsolved challenges to advances in biology may now provide evidence to reverse Sirtuin 1 dysfunction that is connected to primarily to heat shock protein metabolism and secondly to toxic amyloid beta metabolism with mitochondrial apoptosis in liver and brain cells.
- In the developing world increased levels of bacterial lipopolysaccharides repress the anti-aging gene Sirtuin 1 with the development of diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases and Alzheimer’s disease.
- Unhealthy diets accelerate Type 3 diabetes with the induction of NAFLD in Global Populations.
- Dr. Ian Martins is a Fellow for the International Agency for Standards and Ratings (IASR) and Reveiwer for Open Acess Pub and various other journals.
- Chief Editor for International Journal of Diabetes Research (2014-2017), Research and Reviews: Neuroscience (2016-2017) and Journal of Diabetes and Clinical Studies and Editor for various other journals.
- BIT Member (BIT Congress. Inc) with an H-index of 43, (ResearchGate STATs (23), Mendeley STATS (20).
- Scientist for the Science Advisory Board (USA) and an Academic with Academia.edu. Citations > 3000.
- ResearchGate’s analysis available on google, Tweet, Facebook, Lindekin under Ian James Martins’ name places publication Stats RG score higher than 96% of the international SCIENTISTS.
- Certificates of appreciation in relation to anti-aging, health and disease. Keynote addresses at Innovate Pharma 2017, Innovate Neurology 2017, World Diabetes and Endocrinology Summit-2017 and Pharmacology and Ethnopharmacology 2016.