Plant Biotechnology Lab, Agri. & Natural Resource Research Centre P.O. Box: 45195-1474 Zanjan Iran
Research Interests:
I have background of plant breeding and genetics and have done some researches about diverse plants such as forage and herb evaluation under different environments specially drought and cold conditions. My research interest is stress study of medicinal plants through combined omics approaches namely genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics.
Education 2010- 2014 PhD of Biosciences, Medicinal Plant Metabolomics University of Birmingham Supervisors: Dr. Jeremy Pritchard and Dr. Bryan Ford-Lloyd Thesis title: Utilization of metabolomics to Study of Drought stress effects on medicinal plant Thyme 1998- 2000 Master of Sciences, Plant Breeding Guilan University Supervisors: Dr. Reza Bozorgipour and Dr. Rahim Honarnejad Thesis Title: Production of resistant doubled haploid of wheat through crosses with maize 1995- 1998 Bachelor of Science, Agronomy and Plant Breeding Shahed University Awards: 1. Scholarship to study PhD of Plant biotechnology at the University of Birmingham.2009 2. Scholarship for studying M.Sc. from Agricultural research and education organization.1998 3. SILVER Medallist among all graduated BSc students, Shahed Univ., Iran.1998