Laura Scrano
Via Dell'Ateneo Lucano 10.
Research Interests:
Dr. Scrano studied the problems linked to the safeguard of environment from those external and internal events that often can cause its degradation.
The outlines of research are:
1. Degradation and transformation of recent pesticides in liquid phase and adsorbed phase (soil, organic matter, clay minerals, zeolites, cyclodextrin) and toxicity test.
2.The use of hybrid nano-structured materials as absorbents for the organic pollutants removal from wastewater
3. Identification and characterization of hydrocarbons from crude oil in the soil using ultra sensitive methods.
3. Characterization of stone materials and causes and level decay identification
4. Identification and characterization of secondary metabolites with health properties in vegetables.
5. Identification and characterization of vegetal and animal secondary metabolites and their application as alternative to synthetic pesticides.
- In such activity Laura Scrano make use of low resolution mass spectrometry, coupled with gas or liquid chromatography, and high resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, a technique that remarkably improve the possibilities of resolving unknown structures.
- Dr. Scrano is author and co-author of more than 172 scientific accepted by national and international journals with referee, national and international congresses.
- Particularly, Dr Scrano studied the clay minerals properties concerning the capacity of retaining organic molecules into the soil (for example last generation herbicides and other organic pollutants) and the influence of soil constituents (organic matter and clay minerals) on the photochemical degradation of herbicides.
- Moreover, in order to develop new methodologies to reduce the environmental risks due to the presence of pollutants agents, she has adopted new laboratory tests and has developed advanced methods for the degradation of organic contaminants by using catalyser semiconductor powders and ozone flows in liquid phase and on adsorbed phase as well, identifying pollutant derivatives and assessing their toxicity (microtox, daphnia magna, phytotest).
- Dr Scrano was also experienced with the use of inclusion materials (as cyclodextrins and zeolites) for soil and waste water recovery and the catalytic and photocatalytic degradation of organic xenobiotics. At the moment Dr Scrano studied the characterization of stone materials and causes and level decay identification.
Position :
- Assistant Professor, Department of European Cultures and Mediterranean (DICEM). University of Basilicata, Potenza - Italy
- Photochemistry PhD, University Claude Bernard, Lyon 1,
- Foreign languages: French (fluent), English (Fluent), Spanish (Basic); German (basic)
- Erasmus Staff Mobility- Teaching Assignment (STA) IRCELYON, University of Lyon I (France)(2014),
- Erasmus Staff Mobility- Teaching Assignment (STA) Poznan University, 2013
- VP Erasmus, Montpellier 2 , University, France, 2013
- Socrates Erasmus - Mobility STA, Ioannina University (Greece), 2012
- Erasmus Preparatory Visit - LISA- University Paris XII Val de Marne, 2011
- Socrates Erasmus - Mobility T.S., Escuela tecnica superior de ingenieros agronomicos, Università di Albacete (Spain), 2010
- Socrates Erasmus - Mobility T.S., IRCELYON , University of Lyon I (France), 2008
- Socrates Erasmus - Mobility T.S., Chemistry Department , University of Ioannina (Greece), 2007.
- Socrates Erasmus - Mobility T.S, Technischen University Munchen (TUM), Freising - Weihenstephan, Germany, one week, 2006.
- EU Short Term mission COST 629, GSF Institut for Ökologische Chemie, Neuherberg, Germany, one month, 2006.
At Ioannina University:
- Removal different contaminant from Wastewater Using Clay-Micelle Complex.
- State of art of the pollution situation comparing Italy and Greece situation
- Preparation of organo-clay by using different supports and different surfactants and evaluation of these nano-compounds with different pollutant
- The use of natural activator for photocatalysis to reduce environmental problems
At Poznan University:
- Biopesticides as an attractive alternative to chemicals: state of art
- Application fields of natural pesticides: agriculture, environment and cultural heritage
- Reviewer of research projects of national interest: SIR 2014 and PRIN 2015.
- Board member of the Italian Association Clays (AISA).
- Board member (Vice president) of the Recreational Club of the University of Basilicata workers (CRAL) 2014-2016.
- President of the Recreational Club of the University of Basilicata workers (CRAL) 2016-2018.