Coriander, commonly known as Sabit dhania in Pakistan is a well-known spice used in traditional cooking. It is an essential component of ayurvedic medicine used for the treatment of digestion and gastric ailments. Coriander seeds are available throughout the year as whole seeds and in powdered form. Fresh Coriander seeds possess earthy bitter flavour with strong aroma. Essential oils of its seed extracts possess numerous valuable constituents which could be exploited for the preparation of medicinal combatants against several acute and chronic diseases.
Author Contributions
Academic Editor: Zhongzhou Chen, China agricultural university, China.
Checked for plagiarism: Yes
Review by: Single-blind
Copyright © 2019 Nida Tabassum Khan

Competing interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Coriander seeds also called as sabit dhania in Pakistan are widely used in local culinary as a flavoring spice 1. While Coriander plant leaves are used in salads and servings because of their freshness 2. Coriander is a small, hollow-stanched herb which belongs to family Apiaceae and genus Coriandrum. It is known by the scientific name of Coriandrum sativum 3. Coriander is innate to South-Eastern Europe and is heavily cultivated all over the world such as in, Pakistan, India, Greece, Europe, Middle East, Egypt, North Africa, China and West Asia 4. Coriander was also one of the numerous plants cultivated in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon 5. Coriander is a 2 feet heighted plant with branched stems possessing dark-green leaves and small light pink flowers that successively transformed into bulbous shaped fruits (seeds) 6. The diameter of its seeds is about 4-6 mm and is harvested when the plant turns brown, and its leaves begin to dry and fall 7. Premature seeds are light green in color with bitter taste bitter 8.
Nutritional Composition of Coriander
•Dietary fiber
•Linoleic acid
•Oleic acid
•Palmitic acid
•Petroselinic acid
•Zinc etc 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Therapeutic Benefits of Coriander
Its Seeds Possess Potential Therapeutic Benefits Given Below
Coriander seeds contain linoleic acid which is effective in the remediation of dermal problems such as skin inflammation eczema, dry rashes etc. In addition treats mouth sores and ulcers 15.
Lowers high blood sugar level because of its seed’s anti-hyperglycemic properties by stimulating insulin secretion from the pancreas and exhibiting insulin-like activity at the cellular level 16. It also protects colon mucosa from cancers 17.
Stimulates hair growth by reducing hair fall and revitalizing hair roots 18.
Improves digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive juices and possesses high dietary content which is required for the proper functioning of the stomach and liver 19. It can ease gas, bloating, and other symptoms of an irritated digestive system and increases nutrient absorption by the gut 20
Coriander seeds contains coriandrin which controls lipid digestion process and in return lowers abnormal cholesterol level 21.
Used for the treatment of common cold, flu and fever, seasonal body pains etc since its seeds possess high amount of vitamins such as vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin A and beta-carotene 22.
Coriander seeds contain natural tonics that stimulates endocrine secretions to sustain hormonal balance, which ensures alleviation of mensuration associated pain 23
Exhibits strong antibacterial effects against food-borne pathogens such as Salmonella 24.
It aids relieve the discomfort and pain associated with urinary tract infection and enhances the healing process 25.
Regulates female mensuration cycle by monitoring endocrine function. In addition, decreases bloating, mensuration pain 26.
It targets inflammatory pathways and lowers incidence of neurodegenerative diseases 27.
Relieves symptoms like hives, itchiness, and swelling 28.
Protects eyes from contagious eye associated infections like conjunctivitis 29
Assists in healing of mouth ulcers 30.
Thus Coriander seeds are enriched with high amount of minerals such as zinc, copper, iron, magnesium etc. These vital minerals regulate body’s metabolism and enhance growth along with providing protection against a number of microbial infections and diseases.
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