Lakshmi Iyakutti
Plot No: 20, G1,”THAI FLATS”,
Shanmugam Sundaram Street, Devaraj nagar (extn),
Research Interests:
- Software Engineering, Computer Networks
- Visual Basic, Microprocessor
- Embedded system , Computer organization
- Computer Graphics, UNIX
- Web Design
- Web services, Web designing, Data mining, Testing
- “Computation of Interaction Potential of adsorbents on Zig-zag SWCNTS – Application to Functionalization and Hydrogen Storage” I. Lakshmi, D. Silambarasan, V. J. Surya, M. Rajarajeswari and K. Iyakutti International Journal of Nano Science. Volume.10, 391-396(2011).
- Dr. I. Lakshmi ”Hydrogen storage in TiO2 functionalized (10, 10) single walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT)-First principles study January 2014,International journal of hydrogen energy 39 (2014) 4973e4980(elseiver).
- Semantic Web Services – Where we are and where we are going I. Lakshmi, Rajesh Devadas, Dr. K. Iyakutti Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology. (Communicated).
- Dr. K. Iyakutti, Dr. I. Lakshmi Engineering Band Gap Opening in Graphene through Surface Doping-A First Principles study IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology.
- Dr.Lakshmi. I Dhanalakshmi G.D A Survey on DDoS Attacks and its Detection IJIERE, Volume2 ,issue 11,November2015
- Dr. I. Lakshmi Dr. K .Iyakutti “Functionalized Single-walled carbon nanotube (5, 0) as a carrier for Isoniazid — A tuberculosis drug” IJCSME Volume. 04, No. 3 (2015)
- Dr. I. Lakshmi Dr. K .Iyakutti”A Current Perspective on Computational Nanotechnology IJRSR Volume. 6, 2015
- Dr. I. Lakshmi Dr. K .Iyakutti, M. Saravanan “An analysis of denial of service attack using TCP reflectors” JONSCN Volume.1,No.2(2015)
- Dr. I. Lakshmi Dr. K .Iyakutti, M. Saravanan ”The Impact on the Rapidly Changing Smart Devices Market on e-Learning in Higher Education” Journal of Science and technology Volume:3 No.2 May 2015
- Dr.Lakshmi.I, Dhanalakshmi G.D 5G Mobile Technologies IJCST October 2015 ISSN: 2320-8090,pg-94-98.