Researcher, National Technical University of Athens,
School of Chemical Engineering,
Research Unit of Advanced,
Composite, Nano Materials & Nanotechnology",
Elias P. Koumoulos
Perikleous Ave.,10,
Athens 15561, GR.
Research Interests:
Materials Engineering Material Characterization Nanomaterials Nanomechanics Polymer Engineering Corrosion Protection Advanced Materials Materials Nanocomposites Materials Research Nanoindentation Nanomaterials Synthesis Mechanical Engineering Polymer Composites Carbon Nanotubes Chemical Engineering Plasticity Mechanics Aluminum Alloys Thin Films Friction-Stir Welding Materials Science and Engineering Material Characteristics Mechanical Properties Corrosion Codes of Ethics research integrity Design of Experiments Safety Nanosafety safe by design Composites Polymer Technology Biodegradable Polymers Drug Release Thermoplastic Carbon Fibers Lactic Acid
- Elias P. Koumoulos has been involved in R-NANO's team since 2007.
- He holds a BSc in Chemical Engineering, followed by MSc in Materials Science and Technology; also he dealt with synthesis and study of advanced nanostructures and coatings, focusing on nanomechanical properties, within his PhD research.
- Till now, E. P. Koumoulos has the authorship of over 40 published papers in ISI journals, 4 book chapters, 70 participations in national/international conferences, and has been thrice awarded for published research work in national and international level.
- Having occupied in EC and national funded projects, his interests include nanomaterials, nanomechanical properties of materials (metals, alloys, polymers, ceramics, functionally graded materials for brakes, thruster and valve applications, thin films, elastomers, packaging polymers), polymers (processing of plastics, forming, casting, films, biopolymers, petroleum products, environmental friendly processes), R&D, quality control, production process and design.