Barbara Motyl
c/o DPIA - Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture – University of Udine, Udine, Via delle Scienze 206, Italy
Research Interests:
Design for Additive Manufacturing FDM SLS lasercusing Design for lifecycle Engineering Education Technical Drawing
1. Analysis of existing methods for 3D modelling of femurs starting from two orthogonal images and development of a script for a commercial software package.
2. Hip joint anatomy virtual and stereolithographic reconstruction for preoperative planning of total hip replacement.
3. Classifying TRIZ methods to speed up their adoption and the ROI for SMEs.
4. Compensation of geometrical errors of CAM/CNC machined parts by means of 3D workpiece model adaptation.
5. Integration of creativity enhancement tools in medical device design process.
6. Comparing parametric solid modelling/reconfiguration, global shape modelling and free-form deformation for the generation of 3D digital models of femurs from X-ray.
7. Technical Drawing Learning Tool-Level 2: An interactive self-learning tool for teaching manufacturing dimensioning.
8. An eco-innovation and technical contaminated approach for designing a low environmental impact off-road motorcycle.
9. Validating CSCW strategies and applications for rapid product development in the investment casting process.
10. Virtual and rapid prototyping by means of 3D optical acquisition and CAD modeling: application to cultural heritage and to the automotive domain.